Page 18 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 18

On the phone

                        1  Secretary:   Hello. Mr Smith’s office.   2  John:   Hello, is Luke                                   Wyrażenia have to używamy, aby powiedzieć,
                           Sarah:      Hi, this is Sarah Heath.              there, please?                                     że ktoś musi coś zrobić.
                                       Can I speak to Mr Smith?              It’s John.
                           Secretary:   Could you speak / stand       Boy:    Hi. What
                                       up? I can't listen to / hear          number are
                                       you.                                  you calling?
                           Sarah:        This is Sarah Heath                 There isn’t a Luke here.
                                       calling. I’d like to speak            I think / answer you have                          Wyrażenia don't have to używamy, aby
                                       to Mr Smith.                          the wrong number / telephone.                      powiedzieć, że ktoś nie musi czegoś zrobić.
                           Secretary:  Just a moment, please.         John:  Oh, I’m so sorry.
                                         … I’m sorry, but he’s not    Boy:  That’s OK. Bye!
                                       here at the moment.
                                       Can I take a call /
                                       a message?
                           Sarah:        No, thank you. I'll call /                                                            Remember!
                                       speak again later.
                           Secretary:  That’s OK.                                                                               Po have to zawsze występuje czasownik
                                                                                                                                w formie podstawowej.

         3  Geena: Hi there, Fred.                           Fred:    It’s OK. I can hear
            Fred:  Who's calling / there?                            you fine.
            Geena: It’s me, Geena. Annie is here too.        Geena:   We’re ringing to ask
            Fred:  Hi, girls. Who / How are you?                     you where we’re
                                                                     meeting today.
            Geena: I’m fine.                                 Fred:    It’s at the Luna Cinema, at 4 p.m. But you
            Annie:  I’M FINE TOO!                                    have to be on time.
            Fred:  You don’t have to shout, Annie!           Geena: OK, thanks. So, see / hear you soon!
            Annie:    Sorry! You’re on speakerphone.         Fred:    Thanks for speaking / calling. Bye for
                    I’m shouting so that you can hear me.            now!

           Listen and read

          1    9 1    Read the dialogues and choose the correct
             answers. Then listen and check.                       Phrase Book

                                                                  On the phone
          2  Match items 1–8 with the expressions in the
             Phrase Book. Write the answers in your notebook.     •  Hello. … ’s office.
             1  answering the phone                               •  Hi, this is … .
             2  introducing yourself                                 It’s … .
             3  making a special request                          •  Can I speak to … ?
             4  asking to speak to someone                           Hello, is … there, please?
             5  taking a message for someone                         I’d like to speak to … .
             6  finishing a conversation                          •  Just a moment, please.
             7  asking who is calling                             •  Can I take a message?
             8  asking someone to wait                            •  Who’s calling?
                                                                  •  Could you speak up?
          3  Work in pairs. Act out a phone conversation.
             Use the Phrase Book and complete the                 •  Thanks for calling. Bye!
             sentences with your own ideas.
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